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Monday 8 July 2024

Cambodia sends more than 200 peacekeepers to UN mission


Cambodia sends more than 200 peacekeepers to UN mission

Cambodia has dispatched 244 peacekeepers from the 468th Engineering Squadron to participate in a United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission in Central Africa. They underwent training before deployment.

Meanwhile, the 423rd Engineering Corps safely returned to Cambodia after a successful one-year UN mission, enhancing Cambodia’s international standing. The farewell and welcome ceremony for the Cambodian Blue Helmet Troops was presided over by General Sem Sovanny, First Vice Chairman of the National Committee and Director General of the National Peacekeeping Center, along with other NPMEC members on July 5, 2024, at Phnom Penh International Airport.

During the event, Gen Sovanny said that the MINUSCA mission marks its 10th year, with the 423rd Engineering squadron being the ninth Cambodian unit to excel in their duties despite challenges. He emphasized their professionalism, sense of responsibility, unity, cooperation, and courage in fulfilling their roles effectively.

Gen Sovanny acknowledged the sacrifices made by the peacekeepers, including facing armed attacks, logistical difficulties, and health risks such as malaria, all while being away from their families. He praised their resilience in overcoming obstacles and returning home successfully.

Regarding the departing peacekeepers, Gen Sovanny urged them to maintain unity, adhere to safety protocols, and learn from experiences to ensure mission success.

In the past 18 years, Cambodia has dispatched a total of 9,570 peacekeepers to 12 UN peacekeeping missions across 10 countries, specializing in demining, construction engineering, medical services, airport operations, UXO disposal, and military observation. Currently, Cambodia has approximately 627 peacekeepers deployed in South Sudan, Lebanon, Central Africa, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


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